Conference Proceedings


P. J. Burke, P. H. Q. Pham, “Electromagnetic Coupling to Nano-devices: 2D vs. 1D”, Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA), 2015 International Conference on, 1635-1635, Torino, Italy, Sept. 7-10, 2015. DOI: 10.1109/ICEAA.2015.7297405.

P. J. Burke, T. Pham, D. Wallace, “An Electronic Assay of Cell Death”, Journal of World Mitochondria Society, Berlin, Germany, Oct 24-26, 2015. DOI: 10.18143/JWMS_v6i1.356.

W-D. Zhang, P. H. Q. Pham, E. R. Brown, and P. J. Burke, “MM-Wave-to-THz Modulation with Graphene-Oxide-Silicon Etalon Structures”, PIERS 2015, Prague Czech Republic, July 6-9, 2015.

E. R. Brown, W-D. Zhang, and G.T. Mearini, “THz Characterization of ITO Films on p-Si Substrates”, PIERS, 2015, Prague Czech Republic, July 6-9, 2015.

J. S. Cetnar and E. R. Brown, “Computation and Analysis of Terahertz Wire Grid Polarizer Self-Resonance using Transmission Line Theory,” PIERS 2015, Prague Czech Republic, July 6-9, 2015.

E. R. Brown, W-D. Zhang, D. Neff, N. S. Green, M. L. Norton, P. H. Q. Pham and P. J. Burke “Detection of DNA by Graphene-on-Silicon FET structure simultaneously at DC and 101 GHz”, EuMW 2015 Proceeding, 929 – 932, Paris, France, September 6-11, 2015. DOI: 10.1109/EuMC.2015.7345916.

M.S. Choi, N. Zhang, M. Dutta, and M.A. Stroscio, C.O. Aspetti and R. Agarwal, “Plasmon Excitation of Coherent Interface Phonons in Si-SiO2 Systems,” International Workshop on Computational Electronics, Feb 2014.

P. H. Q. Pham, Y. Y. Wang, P. J. Burke, W. Zhang and E. R. Brown, “Towards perfect impedance matching of free space to a 2D material”, Proceedings of the 44th European Microwave Conference, 1928-1930, Rome, Italy. Oct 6-9, 2014. DOI: 10.1109/EuMC.2014.6986722.


A. Vacic, J. M. Criscione, E. Stern, N. K. Rajan, T. Fahmy and M. A. Reed, “Calibration methods for silicon nanowire BioFETs”,2014 IEEE Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures (ICMTS), pp. 203-206, Udine, Italy, March 2014.

K. Xu, X. Meshik, M. Choi, M. Dutta, M. Stroscio, T.-C. Wu, M. Rahman and M. Norton, “Study of electric field caused by semiconductor quantum dots in close proximity to DNA origami,” 2014 International Workshop on Computational Electronics (IWCE), Paris, INSPEC Accession Number: 14485075, August 2014.

M. Choi, M. Dutta and M. A. Stroscio, “Numerical analysis of local density of states of plasmons in Si-SiO2-silver nanocavity system,” 2014 International Workshop on Computational Electronics, Paris, INSPEC Accession No: 14485118, August 2014.

M. Choi, N. Zhang, M. Dutta, M. A. Stroscio, C. O. Aspetti and R. Agarwal, “Plasmon excitation of coherent interface phonons in Si-SiO2 systems,” 2014 International Workshop on Computational Electronics (IWCE), Paris, INSPEC Accession Number: 14485104, August 2014.

P. H.Q. Pham, Y. Y. Wang, P. J. Burke, W. Zhang, and E. R. Brown, “Towards perfect impedance matching of free space to a 2d material,” Proc. 44th European Microwave Conference, pp. 1928-1930, October 2014.

W. D. Zhang, L. Viveros and E. R. Brown, “Concentration of terahertz radiation for microsample spectroscopy,” presented at IRMMW-THz Symposium, Tucson, AZ, September 14-19, 2014.

R. Middendorf, J. S. Cetnar and E. R. Brown “Continuously variable substrate-based THz Beamsplitter,” J,” to be presented at IRMMW-THz Symposium, Tucson, AZ, Sept. 14-19, 2014.

R. M. Hendrix, J. R. Middendorf, J. S. Cetnar, J. A. Deibel, and E. R. Brown, “Broadband characterization of thz frequency high fill-factor substrate-based wire-grid polarizers with high extinction ratios,” to be presented at IRMMW-THz Symposium, Tucson, AZ, Sept. 14-19, 2014.

J. R. Middendorf and E. R. Brown, “Fast-scanning fabry-perot spectrum analyzer with continuously tunable resolution,”to be presented at IRMMW-THz Symposium, Tucson, AZ, Sept. 14-19, 2014

L. Viveros, A. Bykhovski, W. Zhang, and E. R. Brown, “The THz signature of thymine monohydrate,” Proc. 2014 IEEE National Aerospace Electronics Conference (NAECON), Dayton, OH, 25-27 June 2014.

W-D. Zhang, E. R. Brown, Phi H. Q. Pham, and P. J. Burke, “AC conductivity parameters of graphene films with thz spectroscopy,” Proc. 2014 IEEE National Aerospace Electronics Conference (NAECON), Dayton, OH, 25-27 June 2014.


K. Zand, T Pham, A. Davila Jr, D. Wallace, P. Burke, “Trapping and Study of Individual Mitochondria Using Nanofluidic Technology”, Mitochondrion 13 (6), 943

Katayoun Zand, Ted Pham, Antonio Davila Jr, Douglas C. Wallace,Peter Burke, “Novel Approach Towards Trapping and Imaging of Individual Mitochondria”, MMB 2013 Technical Digest, April 2013

E.R. Brown, E.A. Mendoza, Y. Kuznetsova, A. Neumann, and S.R.J. Brueck, “THz Signatures of DNA in Nanochannels under Electrophoretic Control,” IEEE Sensors 2013 Conference Proceedings, pp.153-155.

L. Viveros, W. Zhang, and E.R. Brown, “Terahertz Detection of Bacillus thuringiensis Spores in DiPel, IEEE Sensors 2013 Conference Proceedings, pp. 1140-1143.

W. Zhang, E.R. Brown, and L. Viveros, “Terahertz Conical Horn Waveguide Coupler for Spectroscopic Analysis of Biomaterials,” IEEE Sensors 2013 Conference Proceedings, pp. 1015-1018.

E.R. Brown, E.A. Mendoza, Y. Kuznetsova, A. Neumann, S.R.J. Brueck, “THz Signatures of Nucleic Acids in Nanochannels and Estimates of Detectable Molar Amount,”  2013 OSA Congress on Advanced Photonics, Optics Sensors Topical Meeting on THz Sensing, July 2013, Proc., Paper SM3B.3, DOI:10.1364.

Katayoun Zand, Ted Pham, Antonio Davila Jr, Douglas C. Wallace, Peter J. Burke, “Novel Approach Towards Trapping and Imaging of Individual Mitochondria”, MMB 2013 Technical Digest, April 2013.


Ke Xu, Jun Qian, Pitamber Shukla, Mitra Dutta, and Michael A. Stroscio, “Graphene-based FET Structure: Modeling FET Characteristics for an Aptamer-based Analyte Sensor”, IEEE Proceedings of the International Workshop on Computational Electronics, 2012.

Nima Rouhi, Peter Burke, “Size-Dependent Ultrahigh Conductance Devices Using Suspended Graphene Films”, MRS Fall meeting, November 2012, Boston, MA.

Banani Sen, Michael Stroscio, and Mitra Dutta, “Piezoelectricity Fields in Quantum Wires”, IEEE Proceedings of the International Workshop on Computational Electronics, 2012.

M. Martin and E.R. Brown, “Critical Comparison of GaAs and InGaAs THz Photoconductors”, Proc Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE), Conference #8261, Paper #1,, Jan. 2012.

E. R. Brown, W. Zhang, E.A. Mendoza, Y. Kuznetsova, S.R.J. Brueck, M. Rahman, and M.L. Norton, “Concentration Methods for High-Resolution THz Spectroscopy of Nucleic-Acid Biomolecules and Crystals”, Proc Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE), Conference #8221, Paper #29, Jan. 2012.

M. Martin and E.R. Brown, “Critical Comparison of GaAs and InGaAs THz Photoconductors”, Proc Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE), Conference #8261, Paper #1,, Jan. 2012.

E. R. Brown, W. Zhang, E.A. Mendoza, Y. Kuznetsova, S.R.J. Brueck, M. Rahman, and M.L. Norton, “Concentration Methods for High-Resolution THz Spectroscopy of Nucleic-Acid Biomolecules and Crystals”, Proc Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE), Conference #8221, Paper #29, Jan. 2012.

Nima Rouhi, Dheeraj, Jain, and Peter J. Burke, “Radio Frequency Nanoelectronics Based on Carbon Nanotubes” SiRF, (2012).

Masudur Rahman, David Neff and Michael Norton, “Origami Meets Graphene: Prospects and Perils”, FNANO 2012 (Salt Lake City) 9th Annual Conference Foundations of Nanoscience (FNANO12) Self-Assembled Architectures and Devices Place:Snowbird Cliff Lodge, Snowbird, Utah, April 16 – April 19, 2012

Masudur Rahman and Michael Norton, “Enhancing DNA Origami Binding to Graphene via π-π Interactions”, FNANO 2012 (Salt Lake City) 9th Annual Conference Foundations of Nanoscience (FNANO12) Self-Assembled Architectures and Devices Place:Snowbird Cliff Lodge, Snowbird, Utah, April 16 – April 19, 2012


R. G. Mathew, J. R. Middendorf, and E. R. Brown, “Database of all THz Signatures measured on Solids and Liquids in the range 100 GHz to 10 THz” Proc of the 2011 IRMMW-THz Int. Symposium, Paper# Tu5.32.

E.R. Brown, D.B. Bennett, W. Zhang, Z.D. Taylor, and W.S. Grundfest, “Comparison of THz and Near-IR Scattering Effects from Air-Solid Interfaces” Proc of the 2011 IRMMW-THz Int. Symposium, Paper# M4D.5

J.R. Middendorf and E.R. Brown, “High Speed THz Spectroscopy Using Fast Scanning Fabry-Perot”, Proc of the 2011 IRMMW-THz Int. Symposium, Paper#M5.46

N, Rouhi, D, Jain, S. Capdevila, L. Jofre, E.R. Brown, P, J. Burke, “Broadband Conductivity of Graphene from DC to THz,” Proc. IEEE NANO 2011 Conference (NANO 2011), August 15-18, 2011, Portland OR, USA.

Tae-Sun Lim, Dheeraj Jain, Peter Burke, “Biomembrane Gated Carbon Nanotube Transistor as a Sensing Platform”, MicroTAS 2011, (2011)

N. Rouhi, D. Jain, S. Capdevila, L. Jofre, E. Brown, P. J. Burke , “Sheet Resistance of Multi-Layer Graphene in Radio Frequency”, NANO DDS 2011, Aug. 2011, Brooklyn, NY, USA (Abstract Only)

T. Lim, D. Jain, P. Burke, “Fabrication of Supported Lipid Bilayer (SLB) and Nanotube Transistor Hybrid Biosensing Platform Using Microfluidic Channels”, IEEE NANO, (2011)

N. Rouhi, D. Jain, S. Capdevila, L. Jofre, E. Brown, P. Burke, “Broadband Conductivity of Graphene from DC to THz”, IEEE NANO, (2011)

D. Jain, N. Rouhi, P. J. Burke, “Towards Performance Enhancement of All Semiconducting Carbon Nanotube Devices for Printed Electronics”, IEEE NANO, (2011)

Masudur Rahman, Hong Zhong, David Neff, Michael L. Norton, “Addressing proteins onto single and 2D DNA origami nanoconstructs”, August 30: 2011 Nano-DDS, NY.

Nima Rouhi, Dheeraj, Jain, Peter J. Burke, “Carbon Nanotube Purified Ink-Based Printed Thin Film Transistors: Novel Approach in Controlling the Electrical Performance”, DRC, (2011).

Tae-Sun Lim, Dheeraj Jain, Peter Burke, “Protein Nanopore-gated Bio-transistor”, DRC (2011).

N. Rouhi, D. Jain, K. Zand, and P. J. Burke, “Performance Control of High Mobility, Printed Thin Film Transistors Using Semiconducting Nanotube Ink”, MRS, (2011)

K. Becker, “The Great Odyssey : From Charge Transfer Inside DNA to a New Paradigm for Design of Anti-Cancer Drugs”, Technical Meeting at NIH, 4/4/2011


N. Rouhi, D. Jain, K. Zand, P. J. Burke, “All Semiconducting Nanotube Networks: Towards High performance printed Nanoelectronics”, MRS , (2010)

Tae-Sun Lim, Antonio Davila, Douglas Wallace, Peter Burke, “Bioassay Chip for Evaluation of Mitochondrial Membrane Potential with Integrated Ionselective Microsensors”, Proc. 10th Micro Total Analysis Systems (µTAS) Conference(2010).